for providing consulting services

1. General Provision

1.1. Individual entrepreneur Polina Vladimirovna Vladimirova, hereinafter referred as the "Contractor", addresses this user agreement (hereinafter - the "Agreement") to any person or an indefinite circle of persons, hereinafter referred as the "Customer", whose will be expressed by him personally or through an authorized representative (Art. 182, 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), who expressed their readiness to use the services of the Contractor.

1.2. Customer - any individual or legal entity who joins the Telegram channels (also to other Internet resources) of the Contractor and receives distance learning services for any courses and trainings who have reached full civil legal capacity and majority (18 years of age) and paid for the Services.

1.3. Services - any training or consultation service conducted by the Contractor in the Internet.

1.4. In accordance with clause 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), this document is an user agreement, and in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and payment for the Contractor's services, the person who accepted this Agreement becomes the Customer (in accordance with clause 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of the Agreement is equal to concluding an agreement on the terms set forth in the Agreement), which is unconditionally accepted by the parties.

1.5. The agreement is an official proposal of the Contractor to conclude an agreement for the provision of consulting services in the form of training or the provision of consulting services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and contains all the essential terms of the agreement for the provision of consulting services.

1.6. The Contractor provides the Services, dates and conditions established in personal correspondence with the Customer.

1.7. Acceptance of the Agreement is payment for services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) in the manner, in the amount and terms specified in the Agreement.

1.8. The customer guarantees that he is familiar with, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts the terms of the Agreement as set out.

1.9. By taking actions to accept the Agreement, the Customer guarantees that he has the legal rights to enter into a contractual relationship with the Contractor.

1.10. The contract is provided to a person wishing to purchase distance learning services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) of the Contractor.

1.11. The Contractor has the right to amend the terms of the Agreement at any time.

1.12. The contract cannot be revoked.

1.13. The agreement does not require mandatory seals, signing by the Customer and the Contractor, while maintaining full legal force.

2. Subject of the contract.

2.1. The subject of this agreement is the provision of paid distance learning services to the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the Services), in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

2.2. The provision of Services under this Agreement is carried out by the Contractor on the platform, as well as by joining the Customer to the Telegram channel.

2.3. Depending on the type of service chosen, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with access to the Personal chat with the Speaker and / or Group chat.

2.4. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Customer makes full payment for the Services in non-cash form to the account of the Contractor in one of the ways indicated in personal correspondence with the Contractor.

2.5. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of acceptance and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

2.6. This Agreement remains in force in the event of a change in the details of the parties, a change in the organizational and legal form, and in other cases.

2.7. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the parties.

3. Terms of use for an electronic gift certificate.

3.1. Gift Certificate - a document that is an electronic digital code certifying the right of the Buyer (Holder) of the Gift Certificate to require the transfer of HiBeans distance learning programs, Q certifications or HiBeans coffee, in an amount equal to the face value of the Gift Certificate and at the prices valid at the time of ordering through Activation and placing an order on the appropriate terms.

3.2. The Buyer of the Gift Certificate (Client) is a capable individual who orders and pays for the Gift Certificate, the Buyer of the Gift Certificate (Client) is a capable individual who orders and pays for the Gift Certificate under the agreement.

3.3. Gift Certificate activation - actions by the Gift Certificate Holder to enter the digital code of the certificate in a special activation field in the Personal Account on the website.

3.4. By filling out the Applications for Gift Certificates, the Client agrees to these Terms of Use of the Electronic Gift Certificate.

3.5. These Terms, as well as information about Gift Certificates presented on the website, are a public offer in accordance with Article 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3.6. All text information and graphic images on the website are the property of the Seller and cannot be used by the Client without the written consent of the Seller.

3.7. The gift certificate can be used only for the purchase of HiBeans services and coffee, at the time of using the certificate.

3.8. The gift certificate is valid from the moment of payment and during the duration of the program.

3.9. The use of the Gift Certificate assumes the registration of an unlimited number of orders within the nominal value.

3.10. When using the Gift Certificate to purchase goods with a total value higher than its nominal value, the Holder of the Gift Certificate is obliged to pay the difference using other payment methods offered on the Seller's website.

3.11. The Electronic Gift Certificate is non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

3.12. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during registration.

3.13. The Seller is not responsible for the use of the electronic digital code of the Gift Certificate by the Client, the Client assumes all responsibility in case of loss or unauthorized access of third parties to information about the electronic digital code of the Gift Certificate.

4. Responsibilities and obligations of the parties.

4.1. The Customer has the right to receive paid Services in full and within the time frame established by the Contractor.

4.2. The customer has the right to see the scope and characteristics of the provision of services.

4.3. The Customer is obliged to pay the cost of the Services in the amount and terms in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.4. The customer is obliged:

4.4.1. To refrain from recording, distributing (publishing, posting on the Internet, social networks, transferring to third parties) for any purpose, provided in the private access of all materials, including correspondence, lectures, video and audio recordings, answers and other consultations of the Contractor;

4.4.2. Not to create on their basis a product, derivative information products for the purpose of making a profit;

4.4.3. Otherwise, the Contractor has the right to suspend access to the Training Materials and the program and terminate the contract unilaterally;

4.4.4. In case of violation by the Customer of the provisions of this agreement regarding the protection of the Contractor's copyright, the Contractor has the right to demand compensation in the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles for each violation, as well as compensation for all damages caused.

4.5. The Contractor is not responsible for how the Customer used the information received during the provision of information and consulting services and the results of its use by the Customer.

4.6. The contractor is obliged to provide services of proper quality.

4.7. The contractor is obliged to provide services in full and within the agreed period.

4.8. The Contractor is obliged, at the request of the Customer, to provide him with a program of Services.

4.9. The Contractor has the right to make changes in the schedule and program of the Services.

4.10. In case of violation by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to stop providing the Services without reimbursement of their cost and does not guarantee the proper quality of training, and also has the right not to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

4.11. If the Customer has not paid the cost of the service within the agreed period, or did not do it in full, the Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill his obligations under the Agreement.

4.12. The Contractor has the right to refuse to execute this Agreement, provided that the Customer is fully reimbursed for the cost of the Services paid by him.

5. Cost of services and payment procedure.

5.1. The cost of the Contractor's Services, the names of the courses and possible payment methods are discussed in the correspondence with the Customer.

5.1.1. Payment is made using payment services available on the website when placing an order, by transferring the cost for the selected type of service to the bank account of the Contractor.

5.2. The total cost of the Services under this Agreement is the price of the Agreement and is determined by the current prices, which were provided by the Contractor to the Customer by any means of electronic communication in writing.

5.3. Payment for the Services under this Agreement is carried out on the basis of one hundred percent prepayment and in the manner established by this Agreement.

5.4. The Contractor cannot change the cost of paid services for a specific Customer if he has already accepted the conditions of the Contractor and paid for the Services in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.

5.5. The Customer is considered to have fulfilled his obligation to pay under this Agreement from the moment the funds are received to the account of the Contractor.

5.6. The customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him.

5.7. For the purposes of the Agreement, payment is accepted from the Customer exclusively in non-cash form to the account of the Contractor.

5.8. A transaction fee may apply depending on the payment method chosen by the Customer. By choosing a payment method, the Customer agrees to the stipulated transaction fee.

5.9. This Agreement has the force of an Act on the provision of services. The absence of a requirement for a refund means that the services were provided on time and in proper quality. Acceptance of services is carried out without signing acts.

6. The order of delivery and acceptance of services.

6.1. Services under this Agreement are considered to be rendered with proper quality, upon the fact of their conduct (conducting a Webinar, Consultation, provision of a Webinar Recording (Webinar Recordings), Information Course, etc.) and received, as well as accepted by the Customer in the absence of claims from him within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of the provision of services.

6.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.3. If the Customer has not received the Individual access key to the Information Course, the Customer is obliged to contact the Contractor's support service and, if necessary, provide copies of payment documents.

6.4. The access key to the Information Course is provided to the Customer for the duration of the Information Course.

6.5. The customer independently provides himself with the equipment necessary for viewing and listening to the Information Course.

6.6. The content of the Information Course is determined by the Contractor and must correspond to the description of the Information Course presented on the website.

6.7. In the process of passing the Information Course, the Contractor analyzes the results of independent work performed by the Customer on the recommendation of the Contractor in order to assimilate the information obtained during the provision of information and consulting services ("homework check") - if the Customer purchases the corresponding service.

6.8 In the course of completing the course, the Contractor provides the customer with access to the Group chat.

6.9. The Contractor has the right to refuse the Customer in the Consultation in case of unethical behavior of the Customer, while the money paid by the Customer will not be returned.

6.10. The Customer undertakes to follow the recommendations of the Contractor and fulfill the tasks given by the Contractor in order to effectively provide the Contractor with services under this agreement.

6.11. The Customer has the right to refuse to execute this Agreement and receive the money paid, minus the cost of the services rendered at the time of return and (or) expenses incurred by the Contractor related to the execution of the Agreement.

6.12. To return the cost of services, the Customer is obliged to send a notice of refusal and an application for a refund from the email address specified at the conclusion of the Agreement.

6.13. Refunds in the cases stipulated by the Agreement are made to the account (bank, electronic) of the Customer, from which the funds were transferred to the Contractor, within 10 (ten) business days from the moment the grounds for the return arise.

6.14. Refunds are made with the deduction of the actual costs of the Contractor at the time of return. The actual costs of the Contractor include (but are not limited to), in particular, the commissions of banking, credit organizations and relevant payment systems for making a refund, salaries of the Contractor's employees and third parties involved in the preparation of the provision of information and consulting services, as well as the cost of training materials, provided to the Customer, and the cost of organizing Webinars, even if the Customer did not use the materials and did not participate in the Webinars.

6.15. The Customer's claims after the expiration of 3 (three) calendar days from the date of the service (clause 6.1. Of this Agreement) are not considered.

7. Force majeure.

7.1. The parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement during the period of its validity, if this is caused by force majeure circumstances, particularly: fire, flood, earthquake, war, as well as prohibitive acts or other actions of public authorities and other circumstances beyond the control of the parties, and if these circumstances directly affected the performance of this agreement. In this case, the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances were in force, taking into account the current training schedule and other technical capabilities of the contractor.

7.2. The Party for which the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement has been created must, within 10 days, notify the other Party in writing or via e-mail about the occurrence and termination of such circumstances. The proof of the circumstances of force majeure will be certificates issued by the competent authorities of power and administration of the Russian Federation.

7.3. After the termination (elimination) of force majeure circumstances, the Contractor may postpone the Webinar to another date. In this case, the Contractor will be deemed to have fulfilled the obligations under this Agreement in an appropriate manner.

8. Procedure for resolving disputes.

8.1. In the event of disputes and disagreements related to the execution of this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations.

8.2. Disputes on which the Parties have not reached an agreement are subject to court consideration in accordance with the established procedure, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Special conditions of the contract.

9.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Customer confirms that he has no medical contraindications for the provision of services to him by the Contractor, which may cause damage to the life or health of the Customer.

9.2. By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the Customer agrees that he is not entitled to demand from the Contractor any compensation for moral, material damage or harm caused to his health both during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration.

10. The term of the Agreement and the procedure for its termination.

10.1. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations. The date of acceptance is the date of payment by the Customer for the Contractor's Services.

10.2. The expiration date of this Agreement is considered to be the fulfillment by the Parties of all their obligations in full, in accordance with this Agreement.

10.3. All changes and additions to the Agreement from the moment of acceptance will be valid only if they are made in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties.

11. Bank details:

Individual Entrepreneur Polina Vladimirovna Vladimirova

OGRNIP 318774600171411

TIN 771506033408

Current account 40802810602860002389

Bank JSC ALFA-BANK, Moscow

BIC 044525593

Correspondent account 30101810200000000593