"Farmer is the producer of aromatic compounds"
— Prof. Flavio Borem
Meet Producers of Aromatic Compounds

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I am thrilled to start series of new meetings with new generation of farmers:

• Young farmer from Venezuela.
• Young female producers from Colombia.

Young means: meeting new ideas, young energy and passion, role model, faith that we have future for coffee.

It will be an honor for me, if you join us and invite your friends and family!

Saturday, 29 July, Juan Cruz, Venezuela, 24 year, best lot among Natural processing
15:00 Moscow time
8:00 Caracas time

Sunday, 30 July, Ana Maria Donneys & Sara Lucia Guitierrez, Colombia, Judges & Coffee Growers
16:00 Moscow time
8:00 Bogota time
Please complete registration form
This is online meeting at Google Meet.
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